Saturday, May 24, 2014

Medication is in place

Seeing the right complement of medication come together in a person and how they start to discover what they are now able to do that was not possible before is fun to observe.
Chloe has asthma and allergies so our high pollen counts are an obstacle but in a couple of weeks that to will be over with. So we continue to document our days for the Neurologist. Noting pollen counts and asthma peak flows so the Neurologist has as much information as possible to see how the medication is working and if anything needs to be adjusted
Environmental issues and the food she eats like having to much sugar are all issues we continue to work on with her. The forehead headaches are still present but less intense. We hope one day to get rid of the pain patch on the left side of her forehead but we are not there yet. With this new muscle spasm medication her primary complaints are the left side of her forehead.Hopefully when pollen counts are lower we will see that it improves even more.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chronic headaches triggered by upper back issues!

Chloe was born a floppy infant and needed rehabilitation therapy to sit, walk and all the growth milestones, She was the one doctors said had the biggest problem because she is 5 feet 9 an a quarter inches with a T-shaped body. The doctor said if she was only shorter or have a different body type this condition would be lessen. When she went through growth spurts her symptoms got a lot worse but symptoms seem to get better when she came out of the growth spurt.

Chloe has been working physical therapist, occupational therapist and a neurologist who have a theory that some people with chronic headaches are triggered by upper back issues. She has been working with this group for around 5 years;

So the Doctor suggests this is a spinal cord issue causes back spasms and chronic pain in her fore head. This problem also has a focusing problem which causes difficulty with her sleep cycle and awake cycle. Chloe was given a muscle relaxer for spinal cord relate muscle crapping issues. Also she has been taking medication to improve  her awake and sleep cycle. She is icing her 15 to 30 min. a day.

The combination of medication is very promising and I am documenting for the Doctor the symptoms  Chloe describes and what we use to lessen the intensity. This stage has seem to finally steer us in the right direction. She is using less pain  medication and  Chloe is doing slowly more and more different types of activities.

The daily log of symptoms and what works and what doesn't is helpful for the doctor to see what is the many faces of this illness.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spinal Cord issue


Chloe is being treated by a Neurologist for a spinal cord injury that she was probably born with that causes chronic headaches. She is put on a muscle relaxant that is used for the treatment of spinal cord issues so far it looks promising.

I submitted a daily log for the past week 6 weeks describing our days for the Doctor so she could see what we were up against. The prescription pain patch I put on her back where two of the physical therapists said they felt a knot in that area. Chloe sounded totally relieved and now points to her back as a primary concern and asks for that patch in that area since. After the long drive to the office Chloe laid flat on the exam table and had an ice pack under her head and did not exhibit the anxiety they were use to seeing out of her. Long drives also trigger these issues.She voiced her opinion on all the questions the Doctor ask. Chloe was a big help in demonstrating that we are on the right track.

Symptoms we know so far:

  1. She was diagnosed a floppy infant at birth.
  2. Had to receive rehabilitation services to meet all her crawling, walking and so on.
  3. Size and shape matter: She is 5 feet 9 inches and has a T-shape body. Doctors told me the smaller the less severe the problem seems to be.
  4. Chloe spends a lot of time at a desk top Computer where she reads on many different subjects. We go on errands in the community and walks seems to stretch out the problem area which is helpful too.
  5. Chloe bought a new bed for herself  so when she has problems we may find her stretched out in her bed watching TV too.
  6. Chloe on I work an hour or two a day on I Pad games and on Laptop for email and Facebook the goal is to get her familiar with the different times of Computers and see which one she will be the most independent with.
We are hoping to improve her stamina so she can get a part time job like she wishes to. We hope to get back to the YMCA to work on stretching the arms out the Neurologist suggested not over head but from the shoulders down would not aggravate this condition.