Saturday, July 21, 2012

I agreed to get this book finished and sent into my submission coordinator by August 31 2012. Understanding the Brain by Great Courses 36 sessions presented by Professor Jeanette Norden from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine for people not in the medical field. I was a skeptic but found her extremely helpful  aiding me to write more accurately how we got to this point. Really help with what they call "Writer's block" of for me was "Where do I start!". Good chance I will make this deadline. I will attempt to get weekly updates! My deadline seems a lot more achievable! Let's hope that continues

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Took a web class on how to balance communication in non-fiction gave me lot to think about. This week's web class is blogging 101 let you know more after the class. My story needs to be able to weave the facts into it is easier said then done. Classes from the Author learning Center really shows me what I need to do.
We are now getting Chloe to hook up her arms to her brain. We are seeing continued improvement at the Thrift Store and at the YMCA, The occupational therapist and physical therapist theory that we should see continual slow improvement seems to be on target. They gave lots of suggested exercises that we have implemented. So far we seem to be on the right track!