Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Migraine without aura and without status migrainosus not intractable!

Chloe had her 3 month medication review with her Neurologist to review the medication and make adjustments.

I shared with the the Neurologist some of Chloe's issues in these past 3 months. She had intense pain in her left front tooth which caused her to crack it. I learned this could be from diffuse pain which means it is spread out over a large area, not concentrated. We shared that  Chloe still has  headaches on Thursday and or Friday several times a month. She is able to be reason with and work through issues easier then before the nerve pain medication. Chloe is also able to open her mouth wider then before. We also have had 2 vacations up at the cabin and she enjoyed sight seeing !

Showing no negative side effects to this nerve pain medication, her Neurologist suggested that it was time to go up in dosage to address some of these problems that were mention in previous paragraph.

Today we went to get a Wisconsin State ID.  Chloe handled the group of people very well and we were out of there in 30 minutes, She awake with eyes half shut and complaining of a headache. With this medication for nerve pain she was still able to complete what we need to complete.

We will see the doctor in 3 months. We will also call the Doctor with our progress every 2 weeks.

Any further questions contact us at;