Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Continuing to figure out what works!

When Chloe was growing up she had problems through growth spurts and her left shoulder was higher and asymmetrical with the right shoulder. She had challenges meeting developmental milestones because of the left shoulder and side of the neck.

The medication that the neurologist gave her greatly improved this condition but did not totally fix it. Chloe is five feet nine inches with a T-shaped body, doctors have said if she was shorter or had a different body type her symptoms would not be so bad.Tens unit, icing the top of her head when she is hot to touch, helps when the nerve "short circuits" so to speak and lessens the intensity of the episode.

I am documenting a week of working with this very temperamental nerve and what we found worked and what did not for Chloe's neurologist. Some of these are very easy remedies but hard to believe that they work this well. It took a friend of mine who was treated nerve condition convinced me that icing is a powerful pain reliever for nerve issues.  When to use each is important too. Right now the tens unit she uses it at night because that is best time.

We hope to show Chloe's doctor how icing helps her discomfort that is exhibited as panic attack like symptoms and how it lessens the intensity of these symptoms  

We have the right medication and tools to work with this condition. When to use what is the "trial" part that takes the time!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sometimes a Prescription pain medication can make symptoms worse


Prescription pain relief when it is working it is pretty amazing but it can become problematic very quickly. The neurologist cut the medication back and worked to protect the stomach but her pain issues were getting worse. So I requested a prescription pain patch which the neurologist agreed with. Chloe wears a prescription patch on the left corner of her forehead and an over the counter patch at the base of her neck.She can get over the counter pain medication when she asks but most pain medication is topical. Symptoms of problems with the pain medication was stomach issues, constipation issues and extreme discomfort or unexplained pain issues. The neurologist said we had to try something different and protect Chloe's stomach and as you can see by the picture above so far we seem to be doing that.