Friday, July 24, 2015

Getting closer to the cause of the problem!

Chloe The Kinesthic Learner. How Her Health Issues Interfered with Her Learning Style

This was found  on:    www.

A CT scan (also known as computerized tomography scan) is a series of x-ray views taken from multiple angles that are processed digitally to create cross-sectional images of your soft tissues and bones inside your body. The images are like single slices from a loaf of bread that will give your doctor a better idea of your organ and bodily health.

Chloe had her CT scan on Wednesday and we were impressed how well she did. Thursday her medical records came in the mail and I ran it into the TMJ doctor's office and set an appointment for 2 weeks. Hoping the results of the test would answer the following questions.
!. How do we get Chloe's mouth open to extract the 4 wisdom teeth?
2, What is causing these headaches and can it be fixed?
3., What other tests may she need to do to get answers to these questions
We may have answers to share in the next month!  We are close to an answer let's hope this test gives it to us!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Temporomandibular disorders

Chloe The Kinesthic Learner. How Her Health Issues Interfered with Her Learning Style

Thanks to my husband  for his determination to get Chloe an Ipad. It has really helped get Doctors attention  on this left jaw issue which comes and goes depending how her body is positions.

Here is what we know so far>

Saw the TMJ secialist who looked at all the pictures I showed him and he then measured Chloe's ablity to open her mouth and how her right jaw joint seemed fine but the left jaw joint popped a lot. He said x-rays are the next step to answer if it would be surgery or physical  therapy would be the next step.

He said her forehead issue is possible another issue which is viral. 

Chloe also has a acute vision and hearing which could be a symptom of a loose or unattached jaw. He asked me to get her medical records including a statement from her eye doctor.

 The medication that made a difference in her responses may of cleared up the headache related to this problem which gave us a look at what was underlying problem .

Thanks to the YMCA for the exercises sessions  which  Chloe works with a person twice a week. Her  family doctor says it helps her asthma and now may of helped her handle theTMJ Doctor   detailed evaluation around her face region.

Her comments after the 60 minute appoint was, "I am not seeing this guy next week!" So we will wait a couple of weeks  and I will get her medical records together.

So we will keep you updated on our progress, Thanks to all who made this happen!