Thursday, July 14, 2011

On going recovery!

July 15, 2011
Since March Chloe has seen a Neurologist who gave her strong pain medication which got rid of pain issues that caused her to be unfocused and distractible. The neurologist referred her to a physical therapist that works from the orthopedic approach. He worked with her left arm and shoulder that was slightly elevate then the other shoulder and gave us follow up exercises to do at home and at the YMCA.
Chloe has improved range of motion in both shoulders and the left shoulder is looking more like the right. It is Chloe’s physical therapist belief that Chloe has issues with muscles located below her neck by the spine between her shoulders. The focus of her exercises is addressing this area.
Presently, Chloe is seeing the neurologist every 3 months and she is on half of the pain medication she started with. Her range of motion in both shoulders have greatly improves and both shoulders are more symmetrical. Her physical therapist Ryan now will check her every 2 months.
Chloe also filled out an application to help fold towels before she sees her personal adaptive trainer. This is another activity suggested by her physical therapist and will help Chloe work on rehabbing her shoulders and work experience.
Last couple of months was very productive but these muscles need for her to stay very active at exercising that area. Chloe will continue to work on her muscle issues through exercising. This is another issue of her muscle disorder that Chloe was born with. Hopefully we now have the tools to keep progressing without regressing.
Jacquie (mom)