Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Neuropathic Pain

For 25 years we have been in pursuit of why our daughter was diagnosed floppy infant and had a general weakness  on her left side that caused her to have a left shoulder to be asymmetrical in shape to her right shoulder since she was born. Then she was put on a seizure medication used for epilepsy and neuropathic pain that has greatly improved her quality of life. This chronic pain state usually is accompanied by tissue injury. These nerve fibers themselves may be damaged, dysfunctional or injured. The damaged nerve fibers send incorrect signals to other pain centers.  Because of the tissue damage she was put on  a muscle relaxer with this medication which seems to be a winning combination.

Looking through several disorders symptoms lists I found the closest symptoms to match up with her disorder was Fibromylgia. So besides the symptoms mention above that she was born with here are some other symptoms.

Morning stiffness: Chloe needs time to get started in the morning and time for her medication
to works!
 Headaches:   Chloe's most intense headaches seem to happen the period of 5am to 9am. Medication has helped to lessen the intensity. She has less intense headaches during the rest of the day which shows her medication for pain management helping her do more things. She is able to describe her headaches and beginning to ask for what she needs before resuming her activities.
Fibro Fog:Her memory problems and cognitive problems have signification improved with this
 medication combination.
Sensitivity to Loud noises or bright lites:This has also improved with the mediation combination also!

This is what we see so far! Jacqueline