Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today Chloe was able to lay on 5 different mattresses at the store. She was able to tell the clerk and me which ones were okay, fine and great! We bought one that she said was great. She is able to express her needs and wants better every day with this treatment to reduce pain. We have another example to tell the neurologist about as to why the treatment is working when we see her next week. Also she is now not wearing ear plugs in either ear but carries them along in case she may need them!

Amazing what can happen when the spine and discs are in proper alignment!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chloe is now working on her City bus skills. She is using her arms at SVDP thrift store hanging up clothes and straightening shelves. Friday night we will check out a meal program to see how she can help out there once a week with a two hour shift helping with supper. September we will also check back at the YMCA to see if she can volunteer behind the front desk and how that paper work is progressing.

Chloe's sensitivity to sounds keeps improving this is a suggested reason why that might be so!
Excerpt from the book:

                                                 Language sensitivity

Prosody is the rhythm, stress and intonation of speech.
Various features of prosody are the emotional state, the form of the utterance
 (statement, question or command). Other features maybe the
presence of irony or sarcasm, emphasis, contrast and focus.
All of these are processed in the right hemisphere of the brain.

Chloe’s bulging disc is at a mild state and she has improved control of her left side of her body which is connected to the right hemisphere. She is now able to tolerate more discussions around her
and listen to singer with unique voices.
She still is very concerned about laughing or clapping but not sure if
 she still having issue with them or if she still thinks she will have
 pain when she hears them so it is more a conditioned response.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Changed the opening of the paragraph to what happen and how we had to rehab the condition to figure it out!

  The neurologist explained that the MRI will help us to understand the neurological disorder Chloe has that caused her to be born a floppy infant with low tone, loose joints and muscles. After the MRI on December 21, 2011, the neurologist got a call from the Doctor who was reading the MRI results and reported the brain was not showing any abnormalities.   The occupational therapist in sessions with Chloe after this, kept pointing out that this felt like a pinched nerve in Chloe’s upper back.   At her next Doctor appointment, I asked if I could use the words pinched nerve in the story I was writing.  The Doctor said only if we can find a reason then he turn his attention MRI report and found the reason.  This bulging disc appears to be a major factor in Chloe’s tone, muscles and joints issues.   We will attempt to show you what therapies, medications and learning techniques help us finally get answers and possible why they may of helped and how we rehab the condition so we could figure it out.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3 half hour session left on understanding the Brain! Here is another excerpt from the book!


Thanks to music therapy Chloe is quite a talker. Music is processed like language in the brain.
 Music and language have areas of the brain that deal with rhythm, tempo and anticipation ending.
We hear music in our heads like we have self talk there too.
 Both music and language are auditory and have a written
There is hemisphere dominance or specialization in both
language and music.

Chloe learned language by hearing it but by the written word,
she understood it quicker.
 When we would have an emotional dispute we would discuss it on
a white board.
 At the start Chloe would understand what was said on the white
board faster than if we just discussed it.
 Now she understands the spoken and written word equally most
of the time.
Music therapy kept the language pathways open while we cleared
 up her pain issues.
 Now she can focus on language in both speaking and hearing it.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

The research is fascinating.  Here is one of the systems I did not
 know about before Chloe's bulging disc was discovered.

                        Somotasensory system
This is the system that informs us about objects in the external
environment through touch. It also lets the position of the body
 parts(proprioception) through stimulation of muscles and joints.
 Another action of this system is to monitor the temperature of
the body, external objects and environment. This system tells
Chloe what is painful, itchy and tickling stimuli. All of these
messages are sent along different anatomical pathways
depending on information.

In the book I share how Chloe is working through several
 issues she has with this system.