Thursday, July 17, 2014

Unilateral Headache

                                      Unilateral Headache:
Unilateral Headache means that the pain only ever occurs on one side of the head, and never shifts to the other. About one in five people with migraine will experienced "side-locked" pains in the head.
However, a one-sided headache, which never moves, can suggest an underlying structural problem, not just simple migraine or tension-type headache.
By far the most common cause of unilateral headache is pain coming from the neck - called cervicogenic headache. Fortunately cervicogenic headache can usually be treated by physical therapy, or a course of painkillers.A "side-locked headache" - pain only ever on one side of the head:
We turned in a 3 month journal to the neurologist and she suggested this is what we are dealing with. The muscle spasm medication has decreased the headaches and improved her arms.
The picture above is from 2005. It shows how she would hold her arms and hands that made as always ask the Doctors "Why does her arms respond that way?". This was some of the time but not all of the time.
The neurologist added two new meds to try. One for motion sickness which she takes when she threatens to throw up (once a week) and she already takes stomach medicine. The other one is used once or twice month when she wakes up with her left eye shut.Both medication first results are promising.