Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chloe is responding to treatment!

Updated the neurologist as to what we see Chloe doing different with the meds and use of the tens unit.
1. Smiling and laughing occasionally and actually surprising herself. Doctor agrees it shows pain issues seem to be improving!
2. Headaches are less intense able to talk about them and get what she needs to help them lessen even more.
3. Handling changes in plans by wanting to know why's behind the action.
4. Arms are responding better and not causing sudden pain when she moves them. We are still not working over head which is the major problem area. She has begun to read in bed which gives her great back support.
5. The neurologist agree to increase the medicine that reduces the nerve swelling. To see if her mouth can open wider, arms continue to move with out pain.

Chloe had the best dental appointment she ever had because she could open her mouth wider then  ever before. She saw the eye doctor for a yearly exam and he said she showed slight improvement reading the eye chart. He was not sure she was able to see better or she is now out of pain so could focus on the whole exam better.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Optimal dose of the medication

The dose Chloe is now taking may be her optimal level to decrease the nerve swelling. We will report back to the Neurologist every 2 weeks, as to what Chloe is working on and symptoms we may see. Here are some examples of this!

Chloe has resumed playing keyboard and recorder which she left because of pain issues. She has good hand control and reacquainting herself to note positions and not value. Slow going but looks promising.

She uses her right arm for lifting wet clothes from the washer to the dryer but uses a spoon or fork with her left hand. She rarely puts her fingers in her ears but does when she sees someone attempting to laugh. She now prefers an earplug in her left ear where the tinnitus is.

She now handles music practice then working on Ipad and finishing up with the laptop doing email and facebook with much more independence and her confidence grows daily.

In the community outings she is handling abrupt interruptions that would of caused behavior outburst and before that falling on the floor like she was having a seizure.

We will keep challenging Chloe with different activities and report back what we are seeing to the neurologist!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Increase dose is showing increase improvement with some adjustments!

The doctor warned us that the one medication she takes in the morning is affected by this medication that works to reduce swelling in nerve ending. Once we lowered the dose of the morning med the problems she was having settled down  and we were able to get more information

Chloe is still complaining about pain in her forehead but gets relief from pure natural muscle pain cream. She is able to describe what hurts and confirm which treatment works the best. She is able to describe  symptoms more accurately . Example we went to an area that is quiet but Chloe is uncomfortable there. We got out of the car and I asked her. "Is it to bright (pointing to my eyes)"? "Does it smell (pointing to my nose)"? Or"Is it to loud ( pointing to my ears)"?  After the demonstration she pointed to her nose and confirm it smelled. There is a small pond with standing water. Chloe has mold allergies so this could be the real issue.The goal is have Chloe give us accurate information is a vital part of her recovery, When the pain medication at the start worked the Neurologist questioned where all the pain is coming from. Clearing up concept confusion and keeping Chloe as pain free as possible, she can now open her mouth and relax her left shoulder which is helping to get the left arm to respond more normally then ever before.

Now that we have reached the 2 week mark this dose has decreased swelling in the nerve ending as far as this level will go. We will now challenge the left arm doing stretching over the head exercises. Before the medication over head arm movement could trigger Chloe to have a lot of pain very suddenly. This will show us if we may need to discuss with the Doctor a higher dose. We go into retail and check out other lines of work that might be interesting for her after we complete this medical treatment  with the Neurologist.