Thursday, December 10, 2015

Recovering brings more symptoms

Chloe The kinesthic Learner                                      

The bottom picture is  before the wisdom teeth and molar extractions and the top picture is after the day surgery,Chloe's mouth is uneven in the bottom one but in the top one she was able shut her mouth evenly.
. For the Holiday we drove over an hour to my sister's house there I took pictures of her with her sister and her cousin. Afterwards I reviewed them and found her left cheek swollen like we saw for 6 . days after the teeth were extracted, I gave her medication at my sisters house because she was becoming  irritable and thought it might be pain.. The anti-inflammatory med and muscle relaxer must of helped decrease the swelling too.

The Neurologist reviewed the pictures and said, "You finally showed me what you were talking about!" My response was, "Took long enough! This nerve issue is hard to catch in a picture!"
          She prescribed a medication that controls partial seizures a form of epilepsy and also used to treat certain types of nerve pain.
           Focal(partial) seizures result from abnormal activity in just one area of the brain. while nerve pain there are many types. Neuropathy is a disturbance in the function of a nerve or particulsr group of nerves.

So we will slowly bring this medication to therapeutic levels and monitor symptoms. We will see the Doctor in 3 months but update her on the symptoms that seem to be attached to this problem. So far Chloe is responding well to this new medication,I have shown the neurologist many other pictures of symptoms  so we have been having this discussion for years,

Testing for nerve pain is hard to do and pain full. The neurologist ask me to try and capture some symptoms in pictures so she could see what I saw. So Chloe was diagnosed a floppy infant at birth
which now we understand the symptoms we may of finally gotten the right treatment started

Technology is beginning to let Doctor's  see symptoms  they may never see at patients office visits
