Saturday, August 21, 2010

Orthopedic Doctor appointmentt.

Wednesday Chloe got a number of ex rays done on both shoulders before the appointment. The doctor showed us her ex-rays and described what he saw. He said the the shoulder joint is the most complicated joint in the body and there are small muscles that hold the shoulder joint together covered by larger muscles. The bone structure looks normal but "sloppy" . He suggested that Chloe's smaller muscles are working in her right shoulder but in the left shoulder she is using "cheater" muscles (different muscles then she should be using) that is why her shoulder is raised higher then her right.

When asked what we should do he said repetition exercises which will build endurance and hopefully wake up these smaller muscles in her left shoulder and we'll know if it works by her left shoulder will be more level with the right shoulder.

September Chloe will work with 2 adaptive personal trainers at the YMCA and with her musical therapist in an attempt to do what we did right shoulder to activate these muscles in her left shoulder too.