2019 Medical events
May 2019 Chloe’s bloodwork showed the liver levels that were high went down significantly. Her medication maybe adjusted to the right levels. Next appointment in December 2019.
August 2019, Saw the neurologist to review her progress. He was impressed she was talking in complete sentences and very present through the whole appointment. She asked him if she had to see the other doctor next. He talked to us about not changing the medication due to the higher the dose the more side effects is possible with this medication. We agreed and he said he would like to see her in a year to see how far she processed. He was happy to see her blood work because it is a big help to monitor this medication.
October 2019, Chloe went for her annual eye exam. This time she understood or could see the difference on her deep perception test and give correct answers to the person administrating the test .
December 2019, The Blood worked showed continue decrease of her liver levels continues not yet in normal ranges but getting there. Liver specialist was pleased with her progress.
Chloe does not get tired quickly as before. We do eye/hand coordination computer games besides other educational videos and working on the computer skill building. We are much farther along educational then we ever thought possible. She still have headaches but much less and less frequent but we have medication from the Doctors to work with these headaches. Chloe health has improved but hopefully will continue to improve the more she stays on this migraine/seizure medication..
The cranial nerves all 12 of them need to be treated by neurologist trained in that area, so they are familiar what medications work the best.
Any questions my email is : jskubal.anderson1953@gmail.com