Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Migraine without aura and without status migrainosus not intractable!

Chloe had her 3 month medication review with her Neurologist to review the medication and make adjustments.

I shared with the the Neurologist some of Chloe's issues in these past 3 months. She had intense pain in her left front tooth which caused her to crack it. I learned this could be from diffuse pain which means it is spread out over a large area, not concentrated. We shared that  Chloe still has  headaches on Thursday and or Friday several times a month. She is able to be reason with and work through issues easier then before the nerve pain medication. Chloe is also able to open her mouth wider then before. We also have had 2 vacations up at the cabin and she enjoyed sight seeing !

Showing no negative side effects to this nerve pain medication, her Neurologist suggested that it was time to go up in dosage to address some of these problems that were mention in previous paragraph.

Today we went to get a Wisconsin State ID.  Chloe handled the group of people very well and we were out of there in 30 minutes, She awake with eyes half shut and complaining of a headache. With this medication for nerve pain she was still able to complete what we need to complete.

We will see the doctor in 3 months. We will also call the Doctor with our progress every 2 weeks.

Any further questions contact us at;

Monday, August 29, 2016

Unique treatment for Unique disorders!

This update will be giving you a view of how Doctors deal with these unique disorders!

Natasha has finish treatment for her Mirizzi Syndrome and had her gall bladder removed. She has just started back to work  and is adjusting to a 40 hour work week, She has completed treatment and now trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life.

I too have a disorder found after our kids were born. The medical field did not have a way to test for it till 7 years after our last child was born. I have Factor V Leiden homozygous which is the most serious form of this disorder. I have a blood clotting disorder and I have had blood clots. But if I take aspirin based medication I have hemorrhaged.Now I am taking a non-aspirin base  blood thinner, and have a Inferior Vena Cava filter. Medication has greatly stabilized my disorder and my health greatly improved with this proper treatment. I have allergies and asthma and am treated for this too.

Chloe our youngest has a different medical issue. She was born with a weakness on her left side of her body. At 9 months this weakness,  was described by her  first neurologist she saw, This condition could be  caused by a malformed nerve bundle on her left side. Her left shoulder is asymmetrical  to her right side with forehead issues, teeth and neck issues all on her left side. With exercise and medication for nerve pain  we are seeing Chloe able to interact with her world and express her opinion. This medication has shown us that pain was her  predominate issue, She is also being treated for allergy and asthma issues.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Medication used for many different disorders
                              (Copy and paste this web address in your browser to view more of the book)

Chloe is making steady progress on this new medication, The medication is used for treatment of many different disorders. It is an anti-epileptic or anti convulsant that affects chemicals and nerves in the body. These nerves and chemicals that cause some types of seizures and or pain.

Some other uses for this medication are the following nerve pain conditions.

  1. diabetic neuropathy
  2. peripheral neuropathy
  3. trigeminal neuralgia
  4. restless leg syndrome 
  5. herpes 
  6. shingles
Chloe's medication is working on her headache issues, stamina, ability to respond to questions appropriately and motor planning issues and improve control of her anxety to name a few. Chloe remember things she did before she was unable to express it to us and now asking questions she probably she wanted to ask years before.

One example of this was the last time we went to see her neurologist, she asked me. "Mom did we live in a group home."  My response was to explain to her that until 2000 we lived in an apartment above the group home that I ran. Car rides are great times to discuss things and we seem to be doing more and more of that. 

We are still in pursuit of the correct daily dose but are very pleased with what we see so far. Her speech and response time is continuing to improve. We will always wonder how much pain she was in before started working with this medication.

We are beginning to research what activity level should we increase to also and what types of activities.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Right treatment or right medication is amazing to witness!
                              (Copy and paste this web address in your browser to view more of the book)

Since December 2915, Chloe Has been taking an anti epileptic that affects the chemicals and nerves in the body involved in the cause of seizures and some types of pain. It seems that we figured out the right dose. We found Chloe less anxious and able to ask and remember past event.  We saw the Neurologist in June and Chloe was calm (less anxious) , able to answer questions and recall events in the past she was not able to do before this medication. The Neurologist suggest that the medication cut the pain which made her less anxious and we are seeing what the pain and anxiety was blocking. We went up to the Cabin and Chloe kept up with us or was found napping in bed or on the recliner. It was a busy weekend and she tried to keep up. 

So now we think we have the right dose we are continuing  to challenge  Chloe and she responses to us in complete sentences mostly. What an impressive difference!

Our oldest has completed her treatment for Mirizzi syndrome and is now looking for a job. She has done some painting.  She created a book blog that begin with her explaination of her disorder.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Finding the right treatment and medication takes patience and time!
                              (Copy and paste this web address in your browser to view more of the book)

Since the holidays we have been dealing with a syndrome called Mirizzi syndrome that our oldest daughter was diagnosed with and treated for. She is the older girl on this book cover. She was diagnosed with this beginning of February 2016. This refers to a common hepatic duct obstruction caused by an extrinsic compression from impacted stone in the  gallbladder duct or Hartmann's pouch of the gallbladder. She was having some problems after college but she walked into the doctor's office with obstructive jaundice at this  time, they could finally figure this out.
Treatment entailed 3 medical procedures and surgery to removed the infected gall bladder. All were under aesthetic and happen within an 8 week period of time. She is 27 years old and very happy it is over with and beginning to look for employment.

CHLOE is responding well to the medication for peripheral nerve damage, This is how the mayo staff describes it.


By Mayo 
Your peripheral nervous system sends information from your brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) to the rest of your body. Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, inherited causes and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes is diabetes mellitus.
Peripheral neuropathy, a result of damage to your peripheral nerves, often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in your hands and feet. It can also affect other areas of your body.
People with peripheral neuropathy generally describe the pain as stabbing or burning. Often, there's tingling. In many cases, symptoms improve, especially if caused by a treatable underlying condition. Medications can reduce the pain of peripheral neuropathy

Chloe weakness on her left upper back ,neck and face was first described by a neurologist when she was 9 months old. Removal of her wisdom teeth, this new medication  and the use of the pain management system Tens device has greatly stabilized this condition. She continues to improve her stamina and get off medication not helping this condition. We hope she will soon be able to try a part time job.
Finding the right medication or treatment takes a lot of patience and time but it is nice when it all comes together.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Treatment the same but for different reasons!

Chloe The kinesthic Learner                                      

        Sorry it took so long to get back to you all but things were changing rapidly. 

First, Chloe is responding well to the seizure medication she is on.  She still has headaches but now can tell us about them and ask for medication. She is handling abrupt changes in plans  better then ever before. She continues to work with Molly at the YMCA on arm and hand stretching to hopefully to toughen up the nerve to not trigger so many. headaches when she moves her arms. We hope to increase these visits to work on endurance and hopefully a part time job which Chloe would like.

Now for my other daughter Natasha, Doctor's felt a different seizure medication might help with a problem she was having. After taking the seizure medication for a while, she went for a routine eye exam which showed a significant improvement in her vision. Her last eye appointment was June of last year and in her opinion she did not do well at. She was impressed with how different this eye exam was from the last. It is important to mention she is on the same medication as last year appointment except for this seizure med that she was on for 6 weeks  before her eye appointment this January.

I will try and keep to monthly updates depending how busy it gets around here.