Sunday, February 23, 2014

Brief update

Chloe continues to make progress with the prescription pain patch (cut to the size needed) on  her forehead just in front of her hair line and above her eyebrows with the medication to decrease possibly swollen  nerve ends. So far Chloe has greater range of motion in her neck and can open her mouth wider then ever before. These pain patches in the right place on her face has seemed to complete the treatment.

Hopefully we can keep up with the treatment of gentle stretching and range of motion to stretch out this nerves to get them to work the best they can. We will work on community outings to get Chloe more comfortable with her new abilities and see what more she can do. Weather has been an issue but hopefully we are past the worst. The Neurologist has given us some possible diagnoses but right now we are more interested to see how much recovery we can achieve.

Since Chloe's birth I thought it was something treatable with the right Neurologist but never would of guessed what it was and the medication used to treat it. Amazing when everything comes together!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Neurologist teaching us symptoms of Visual and Nerve headaches

The small patches at the top of Chloe's fore head are prescription pain patches They are taking care of the nerve headache on her left side of her forehead. Vascular headache maybe as simple as the blood flow being obstructed by this abnormal or damaged nerve area. Here is my report to the neurologist.

   Vascular headaches Wed. and Sunday
a.     Ice pack on forehead and top of head for 5 minutes each seem to lessen warmth of forehead.
b.     Hands were as warm to touch as her forehead but her feet were lukewarm heels and ice cold toes.
3.     At the Y we checked out her left arm it is responding like the right arm and has about as much endurance it appears. Left arm working well sofar!
4.     The exercise ball is what she sits on to work on her arms with Molly the fitness trainer. Chloe has always liked the exercise ball and has one at home.
5.     Could possible the exercise ball be helping her push the blood flow through the damage nerve area in the forehead?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Continue to identify and work through symptoms

The neurologist hearing the symptoms that we discuss. Said she felt Chloe is dealing with a vascular issue in her fore head. She wanted to know more suggesting  when her head hurts check her hands and feet letting the doctor know how they felt. Since treating it seems to best work topically she also suggested cold compresses try to. The doctor says I should keep good notes like I have. The more she hears what works and does not work the better picture of what the problem is.

I told the neurologist that the medication Chloe is on to reduce the nerve pain issues is helping Chloe give a more accurate picture of her other issues. Also the new focusing medication is also helping to find other issues and figure out ways of dealing with them. Chloe is becoming a more active part in working through her medical issues so the medications she is on seems to be the right ones.