Friday, June 21, 2013

Possible Diagnosis

Chloe's left side of her face pain issue maybe what is called Trigeminal neuralgia. She has these attacks that seem to come out of nowhere. She has a chronic pain spot varies intensity daily located between her end of left eyebrow and top of her left ear. She has experienced dropping left eye, jaw locking on the left and feeling like she needs to throw up. The way she tries to get out of it if by biting on something. So we are either dealing with fear of having an attack or actually having one. This will be the discussion I have with her neurologist at Chloe's next appointment, Here is the link to this neuralgia!

This information was finally gotten because the neurologist gave Chloe medication that decreased swelling in nerve ending for treating peripheral nerve damage. We finally got a better description from Chloe as to her symptoms are and maybe why it got her to open her mouth and better control of her neck.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Update from the trip

Chloe is able to do more things with this new medication for peripheral nerve damage. She still has pain especially if she moves her left arm over her head wrong. Unfortunately there is no way to identify where the problem is but her neck moves better and her mouth opens wider. The pain is less intense and she is able to describe what is going on more clearer. Questions we have for the neurologist is maybe increase slightly the medication to see if pain is more manageable and maybe we will get more accurate information and pinpoint where the problem is.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Traveling around the state

Here are some pictures of what helps Chloe with these muscle/nerve issue on our day trips!

Hammock and walks