Saturday, September 29, 2012

Physical Therapy Sessions

Now back to the blog update, after having to clear up several obstacles in our day to day lives. Now, hopefully back to tying up loose ends and sending in the book to publisher soon.

Chloe has had two session of physical therapy. This is what we learn that if she has a headache on one side of her head like she has on her left side of her head then the issue is most likely on the left side of her upper back.

Also we found out when Chloe is having unexplained pain and stretching appears to alleviate it. What it might be is hyper extended first rib due to her left upper back issues.

Jeff, the physical therapist check her back out and found the left upper back muscles much tighter than the right upper back.

He is working on an exercise routine that would help alleviate this problem. He gave me his phone to take pictures of Chloe doing the exercise while he is supervising it. Then he had me send the videos to my email with his phone. Amazing technology that I am using to report on my daughter’s recovery and would not have gotten the chance to use, if I wasn’t writing this recovery story.

He also recommended craniosacral therapy and suggested I research it too.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Home school had it's advantages


Being home schooled with health issues allowed us to work with Chloe’s doctors to take some great vacations. We took extra medication and had emergency plans worked out a head of time.

1998 when Chloe was 6 year old, we went to France with a church choir that my husband and oldest daughter belonged to. We travelled all over France and stayed they sang at different churches and also site see in that amazing country. Her emergency plan worked out well and was put on extra allergy medication so she could totally enjoy her vacation. We travelled all over France for about 2 weeks.

2000 when Chloe was 8 years old, we travelled to California. We went to Disneyland and Sea World and other attraction. Concerned about allergy issues we found the trip in was well managed and so was the vacation. We did run into delays on takeoff at the airport which caused a brief episode but for the most part the planning with the doctors really helped.

2001, Chloe was age 9 years old. We travelled to Mall of America in Minnesota. It was a much easier trip by car and we went to Minneapolis and St. Paul site seeing. We did not have to deal with airplane and airport issues so it was a much easier trip to plan for.

2004, A cottage was built on my husband family land. Since then, we go up several times a year and travel on one day sightseeing trips from the cottage.

2012, in January we travelled to Palm Bay Florida to see Chloe’s godmother, a good friend of ours who recently moved there. We went by car and had fun travelling there and back through all the different states we

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chloe was born with a bulging disc in her neck which caused a pinch nerve in her upper back which caused her not to move and develop her muscles properly due to pain when she moved. This is the theory the doctors, occupational and physical therapist are working with.  Chloe saw the neurologist this last Thursday. The neurologist sees through exercising with the bulging disc is now mild Chloe’s arms has more strength and she has more control of them. Her arms are recovering nicely with proper exercise. Her ability to bend her back she still problems with so the neurologist has referred for more physical therapy on her upper back to evaluate it and give suggests how we can work on it after therapy. The neurologist complimented Chloe on her progress and the Doctor says she sees major changes every 3 months when she sees Chloe.

Recovery plan

Chloe sees a personal trainer 2 hours a week at the YMCA, usually on Tuesday and Thursday to work on strengthening her arms without weight bearing and cardio-vascular activities. Chloe goes to the YMCA and either swims 10 lengths on her back and works on proper arm movement after, or she does a cardio-vascular and stretching type workout and  I supervise either one.

For the past 3 months Chloe has worked a volunteer couple hours at St. Vincent DePaul thrift store on Saturday. Her job is to pick up the clothes and hang up Shirts, Skirts, Pants and shoes. She straightens shelves and book shelves. All activities she is using her arms and whole back in none weighting activities.   I supervise her and she is very slow but can eventually do these tasks independently.

She volunteered at ST. Ben’s meal program. It was too fast a setting and Chloe had a hard time bending her upper back slightly and scooping food up on trays she seem to just not be able to do that either.

So as you can see finishing the final chapters as we do them can take us in different directions then expected!